A trading platform is computer software that online traders and investors can use to trade the global markets with a broker or other financial intermediary. On the other hand, worldtradex does not offer any alternative trading platforms and does not incorporate any third-party tools. It aids technical analysis by providing an overview of price action …

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The Dow is not calculated using a weighted arithmetic average and doesn’t represent its component companies’ market cap, unlike the S&P 500. Rather, it reflects the sum of the price of one share of stock for all the components, divided by the divisor. Thus, a one-point move in any of the component stocks will move …

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A ‘Pip’, short for ‘point in percentage’, quantifies exchange rate movements between two currencies in Forex trading. When different currencies are involved, adjust the pip value using the relevant exchange rate. A Forex Pip Value Calculator automates these calculations, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Fractional pips can allow for tighter spreads, and give a better understanding …

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